Yes little son; the doctrines are messages requests by the spirits in the Kingdom of Heaven; are requests that influence in the minds of the beings; of all the philosophies, the most sublime is that of the work; not that of the exploitation; the capitalist doctrine upon exploiting to the others, viola the law of love of the Father; is constituted in one of the trees that did not plant the divine Father; and of root he will be pulling of the human evolution; the doctrine of the Lamb of God, her will crush; writing was: and will crush to her enemies; all that who violates the law of love of the Father, is constituted by alone, in his enemy; because you cannot be served two gentlemen; or is served to the really or to the falsehood; the capitalism says to serve to all; with the condition to exploit them; to the creative spirits of the exploitation, I tell them: Suffices one second or less exploitation time, and do not you enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; your God is the gold; that the gold resurrect you; well ye know that when ye leave the world in which ye are, do not carry ye not you neither a molecule of your gold or of your passing possessions; still knowing it, ye cling you to them; you are the largest wishful; that unfortunately ye infect to the others; by you it was writing: that is left take care of what makes the right; the left are the sons of the work; of the merit spiritual; are them exploited; the largest in the Kingdom of Heaven; because while more suffered was a life, greater is the glory that receives in the kingdom; thus ye asked it and thus is concede you; no lover of pleasures in the planets, asked glories in the heaven; they asked enjoy it in the Earth; and they were granted; and by you rich and wishful of the world, is written: is more easier than among a camel by the eye of a needle, that a rich in the Kingdom of Heaven; is a parable of warning for you, blind of the laws of the spirit; a warning that carries many centuries and that already comes at its term; because all whatever exsist has its time; and the time will ye complied; thus you asked it spirits of an only present; because while your eyes see gold, will believe in the life; this philosophical concept is unknown in the universe; because is a living imperfection; an own weakness of the imperfect spirits, that they asked to know the work and the exploitation; then unaware them; and they were granted; what did not ask was to be forgot of the laws of the Father; expressed in the Commandments ._
Yes little son; this heavenly drawing teaches infinite things; among others that the solar Trinity is in all philosophy; be born thinking three things; past, present and future; behold the time given to human every philosophy; the communism as doctrine living, it is the unique that remains; the past, present and future, they are reduced with the communism, to a new Era; the new world is initiated with him; the generations of the future, they will not be like those of now; those of now have struggle material; because thus they request it its creatures in the Kingdom of Heaven; and was given to them the struggle of philosophies; in accordance to the Commandments, the philosophy more humble remains reigning in the Earth; writing was that the humble are the first; this is in every order of things; that includes the matter and to the spirit; to be the first before the divine Father, is to be it so much up as down; the mandates of the Creator do not only include a world; if not that infinite worlds; whose number is like the grains of sand that contains a desert; among all the philosophies that the men they request to test, the Creator chooses the most suffered; the most despicable by the human selfishness; which cost more to sweat, blood and tears; which more merit spiritual possesses; certainly that the philosophy of the exploitation, does not possess such virtues; is a comfortable philosophy the degree of being immoral; if your Creator did not sent you the doctrine of the Lamb of God, you be sure that your world would finish in slave; as to happened and still happens in infinite planets Earths; yours Creative sends you this new doctrine, because you same you asked it in the Kingdom of Heaven; this doctrine includes the final judgment; because after the test comes judgment; comes verdict; the world will be trembled in its nature and in its spirits; for centuries and centuries, my aforesaid free will in scriptures, comes him announcing the judgment final; the divine Father was reserved the right, of how would be the final judgment; because divine free will has; as you have it; the upper thing is equal to it of down; that business about the Father is infinite and it of you microscopic; more, have left a same creative law; all you human creatures, ye converted with the Father Jehovah, before coming to the human life; preference is given you preference because all little tiny, microscopic and humble, is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever signifies that all humble, poor and exploited, is the that must and should be governing the destinies of the Earth; but rather was well, be assured that everything will be judjed guilty demon; so much top as down; so much to the that they departed from the life, like to the that they are in her; the human attitude to it long of the centuries, to been generally an attitude of indifference before my scriptures; and they promised in the kingdom, not to fall into indifferences in which to my laws refers; that is why arriving at the human life, is put you to your encounter the supreme mandate: You shall worship your Lord and Creator, by on all the things; in saying on all the things, signifies also by above all indifference; because takes but a second or less indifference towards the Creator of your lives, and do not ye enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; you same thus asked it in your alliances with the 318 living virtues, of which composed yours to think; every philosophy is a to think living; and all living philosophy; all to think with its philosophy, is eternal knowledge; is the salt of your future life; of her leaves your future physical body; according your feelings and your works, thus will be your physical envelope; after that is left a life, born new to think in the spirit; the experience that knew in the planet that chose, determines new alliances with new virtues; no spirit escapes to this influence; because every voyage to the infinite, brings with eternal experiences; every spirit is voyager; because requests born again in infinite worlds; the worlds are like the same perfection of the spirit; its number is as the number of sands that contains a desert; the philosophies that touched you to live in your Earth, they are also as the sands of a desert; and while more is born and is thinks, increase more the worlds and the philosophies; to the degree such, that nobody in the universe can calculate them; only the Father knows him; because everything comes out and returns the Father; is returns without before to have completed, it what is promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; all mandate results in all conscience; is thus because thus you request it in the kingdom; and is was granted you; and all philosophy has living hierarchy; and is so that the capitalist philosophy, is very faraway by its hierarchy, of the living morale of the Commandments; is wherefore that this own philosophy of the darkness, disappears of the world; was tested along with other more; and all test has a term; greater mistake than of the authors of the capitalism one, is the to have pent-up in an only present one; to have fought blindly without leaving its present; the true spirituality covers present infinities; and is not encloses in none; neither will do it never; the gold was the perdition of the creators of the capitalism; because no rich enters to the Kingdom of Heaven; by these backward spirits was writing: Is easier than that among a camel by the eye of a needle, that a rich one in the Kingdom of Heaven; a divine Warning for all profiteer; all exploiter; all deceiver; all speculator; all merchant; the scriptures have many examples of warning for the traffickers of the gold; if they did not knew take advantage them, is for fault of themselves; nobody obliged them to be usurers and ambitious; that is an imperfection of its own spirits; warning were these enslavers of systems to live of worlds; by where sins, pay; so them was said in the Kingdom of Heaven; these creatures will be cursed by the same world; because they with their merchandise, they excited more to the world; to the degree such, that this world does not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; because takes but a second or less than violation, and is not entered to the kingdom; the capitalism and its gold, are the creators of the science of the well; all comfort provided by them, will bring tears to the world; because is comfort exit of violation the Commandments; the divine Commandments, do not command anyone get rich; they command to be humble by on all the things; all enjoyment of all violation, is transmitted; such as the first earthly parents Adam and Eve, they transmitted to the world, the guilty complex; this Revelation clears the big incognita of the principle of the fall of the world; a principle whose cause oblivion happened to be human philosophy; because thus the human spirits they asked it; they asked it as test; because all spirit is tested in the life; they exsist lives that are not tests from the philosophical point of view; there they comply other laws; because of all there is in the flock of the Father; the Earth very soon will enter to the Millennium of Peace; a born peace of the humbles; of the exploited; the capitalism never thought of give the world an eternal peace and sincere; I could not nor may it did not be able neither will be able; because served two gentlemen; served to two philosophies; what is impossible to gain the eternity; because was divided thus same; the exploited they know for experience, that will be eternally in a plan of inferiority; this sensation cannot eliminate it the capitalism; and of her is born its fall; will fall like falls a false one Christ; its name will be synonym of ignominy and aberration for the future generations; all the sons of the future, they will speak of the capitalism, as who speaks of the devil; because exsist not greater demon, that the own exploitation of its brothers of life; Satan will be replaced by capitalism, the devil that subjugated to the alpha world; or at the principle of the world; the Millennium of Peace, initiates the period Omega; or end of a philosophy of test; the communist philosophy that never was studied by the backward spirits of the capitalism, will be the queen of the world; because she will be the that bring the justice among the sexes; is initiated in this philosophy, the reign of the women; the world will be governed by them; never should occur the contrary; because men and women are equals before God; the man was born with a superiority complex that great influence to had in their false history; the history of the humanity is false since the same instant in which its creatures violated the Commandments; what you call history, will pass to the dust of the forgetfulness; because new philosophy and new morale they come to the world; writing was: the Earth will pass; more, my words will not pass; this parable that carrying centuries and centuries, is by fulfilled; is the Earth and the exploitative materialistic laws, the that they will pass; the truth is eternal; is not modified never; the false history of the Earth, is product of spirits that requested relative philosophies; it is product of a test of life; all the imperfections of the humanity, they are reflected in his history; is easier than among a creature without history, to the Kingdom of Heaven, that a creature that lived in false history; to live a false history, nothing has of humility; he is like to live in false customs; each form to live that you have had in the Earth, is weighed and is judje in the heaven; the most perfect form to live, is that what takes into account by on all the things, the morale of the Commandments; not exsist another major; because without her never you will enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; you should have it followed in the course of your lives, second after second; then enough a forgetting of a second or less of her, and do not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; begins for this world, the mourn and gnashing of teeth; a judgment that will shudder to your feelings; none shall make not lament; because to your forms of life, they scandalized the morale of the Father; your fashions that so much importance them you give, are the that will impede that you enter to the kingdom; each second of scandalous fashion, corresponds to a world less than will visit in the future; calculate the seconds immoral fashion, nakedness, vices, grossness of years; and you be terrified of the number of heavens that you you close; because each world has his own heaven; as the Earth has him; where you fell more sadly, was in the living illusion; product of the materialism; of the science of the well; of the welfare that provides the money; ye promised in the Kingdom of Heaven, do not let yourselves influenced by any illusion; because the illusion is contrary to the sacrifice; to the effort spiritual; the sweat of forehead; deviates the human mind, of the morale of my Commandments; the human creature produces also illusion; more, is own illusion; the illusion of the money as philosophy of daily live, is another thing; because she come out of ambitious demons; that they impose to the world like unique forms of life; because these imperfect spirits, they know no other; or do not want to know it; not satisfied with the work, they attract them exploit to their fellowmen; the form to utilize the money as instrument of this exploitation, annuls them all action spiritual; that is why no rich enters to the Kingdom of Heaven; neither will be resurrected to children of twelve years, the year 2001; because the laws of the nature, they will not alliances with their virtues; because the laws of the universe, are also living; they read the human mind; without this be give it counts; they read it such as the mind tries to comprehend the laws of the elements; because all is living; all thinks; all the all on the all, is complement; nor a microscopic molecule would exsist if did not have by companion, which have touched him; equal occurs among the spirits; all you ye knew in the Kingdom of Heaven; ye did alliances of families, nations and races; and all as much as happens you in the life, it ye witnessed in the kingdom; all absolutely all; that all includes the momentary oblivion of yours passed galactic; ye asked oblivion so that your life in the Earth, be to constituted in a test; there lies the higher merit of the human life; the struggle in learn it all; the sweat of forehead to earn the bread; this effort did not include to the exploitation; because the Commandments do not teach exploited some to other; if thus was, your world would be world of slaves; nobody is born slave; the slavery creates the man; is product of the human immorality; the doctrine of the communism had to endure the philosophies exploitative, because promised to overcome them; their spirits that they practice are spirits very advanced in it spiritual; the spirits of the capitalism, they will defend the communist philosophy in future worlds; because sooner or later, love is imposed in existences that have the spirit; the love always triumphs; sooner or early; if is not in an exsistence, is it in the other; if is not in a world, is in other; the law of the Father is preexsisting to imaginable all philosophy; the worlds after test and tested in many philosophies, they finish for being paradises; they finish in a philosophy so cheerful, that only can be compare them to the thinking of a child; that is why that was said: Let the children come to Me; because of them is the Kingdom of Heaven; wants say among others teachings, that who is not happy like a boy, does not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; this happiness should be during all the exsistence; if was left of being happy a second one or less, itself is not entered to the Kingdom of Heaven; the bitterness, the indolence and the bad will, was not requested by you; because those virtues are not of the heaven; are exits of the same world; and the guilty are the rectors that to had the world; because not they extirpate them; is they left to dominate for them; what constitutes an immoral example for the world; if they exsist idiotic and selfish in the world, punished they will be; but more punished they will be, those that by their causes was born the idiocy and the selfishness; the indifference in the daily live, is product of the philosophy of the exploitation; nobody is indifferent in the kingdom; no indifferent he will enter to the kingdom; because they will feel indifference by him; in the Macrocosm, all is they read the mind; and all they are telepathic; and they know to distinguish the violator of the law; be of the world that be; this full reality of shame to the spirits of the flesh; and they are seen obliged to leave the kingdom; are infinities the spirits of your planet that swarm for the spaces; far from the eternal happiness; and all they coincide that the happiness that reign in the kingdom, is unmatched by any universe of the universe; many live cursing to their own world; other is they resign; because of all there is in the universal flock of the Father; the spirits resigned and repented, are first calls in the kingdom; to form new alliances of future life; them hardened must wait; because all is done with love in the kingdom; the spirits hardened, they are known like spirits-rocks; by its selfishness spirituals; the spirits of the religions belong to this category; by them was writing: on this rock I will build my church; was a warning to the attitudes of the religious spirits; that by excessive zeal in its missions, they fell down in intellectual selfishness; enough a second or less of intellectual selfishness, and it is not entered to the Kingdom of Heaven; the intellectual selfishness of the rock, carries already twenty centuries; should calculate the seconds of time, that they contain the twenty centuries; each second represents an exsistence that moves away them of the Kingdom of Heaven; they are divided thus same; by them was writing: only Satan is divided thus same ._
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