Yes little son; we will continue with the divine philosophy that teach my divine Commandments; if all the humanity had guided for them, I assure you little son, that this humanity, would not have need of a divine judgment; the divine Commandments, they were given to the world, so that by means them, did every spirit, its test in the life; there was an instant given, that every spirit, unknow every life in the worlds of the flesh; but they knew, that late or early, they would test a determined philosophy; not only human philosophy; then the tests in planets, are infinities; will never have limit; neither never have had them; the divine Lamb of God, is the divine mandate of love and of humility, for every thinking creature; of all the badly called animals, only the divine little Lamb, represents the only innocence; then is oblivious to every act of force; its sensibility, has earned him a divine preference, in the free will of the divine Father Jehovah; the humility, is in the divine Lamb; and without humility, nobody enters the Kingdom of Heaven; writing is, that is easier than among a camel by the eye of a needle, that a violator of my divine law, in the Kingdom of Heaven; every human spirit conversed with the divine little Lamb, before of coming to the test of the life; all the human spirits, they praised him in the Kingdom of Heaven; with all played in the celestial dwelling; then there, every son, is not animal; all are sons of a same Father; any that be their physical form, or their philosophy; in the Kingdom of Heaven, all are telepathic; then all they have reached the eternal glory; the that costs infinite sweats of front; in infinite planets; then written is, that every spirit, has to born again, to arrive at the kingdom of God; this signifies that every spirit, has a pilgrimage by the material universe; passes for infinite planets; infinite test philosophies; and all they, they are one of the divine forms, that takes the divine Lamb of God; every form, possesses the divine solar innocence; then all they possess the same principle; nobody born great in the Kingdom of Heaven; then nobody possesses, the total eternity; if not the Father; all without any exception, they are divinely subordinates, to the love of the divine Father; and this divine love, is living and expansive; the Father progresses, and the sons progress; conserving in the eternity, their divine spiritual hierarchies ._
Yes little son; know that you do not let think in the jeweler brother of jewelry Ondania; know that everybody will despise it; then know dared to sell in five hundred shields, the Lamb of God; will be recalled by all the generations, as the Judas modern; as well as he, there is in your world, millions of ambitious; that do not tremulous in selling to its own eternity; then, I will tell you little son, that this devil of the commercial ambition, tears of blood will cry; will ask to the same Lamb of God, to be resurrected in new flesh; will ask as millions will ask, back to being a child; but will not obtain anything; neither the right to use in life, the divine Little Lamb Silver; symbol of the cleaning and purity of conscience of each one; Enough time we gave him, so that reconsidered; is one of the millions, that will curse the gold; will curse its own customs; will curse its own parents; and will envy to the humble of heart; to that they have been respectful of the divine Word; something seemed, did this spirit, in another world; lived deluded in a philosophy, that lasted long does an ephemeral life of flesh; was fed of a philosophy, which did not provide him neither the eternity neither the entrance in the Kingdom of Heaven; thus will occur with the calls, rich of the world; they will curse to father and mother; in the middle of a crying and gnashing of teeth; the reason is very simple; in divine justice, while more welfare enjoyed, human spirit, more severe is the justice; was taught by mean the divine word, that all are equals before God; therefore, the government of the Earth, should be equal for all; yes thus did not occur, self should be to a group of devils, that saw that to govern was a good business; these devils, that did not take into account my divine Commandments, the world knows them for capitalists; they are the creators, of the science of good; by these damned, there are in the world poor and rich; by these devils, the terrestrial world will be divinely judjed; they are the guilty, of the crying and gnashing of teeth, of millions and millions of my humble sons; more, no devil, violator of my divine law, will escape; the that makes pay; eye by eye, tooth by tooth; is the law of the worlds of the flesh; of the imperfect worlds; of the microscopic worlds; the only hope that left them to these damned, is the repentance; then, if the repentance not would exsist, these devils would drive crazy; the divine Father, created them angels; and the superb emanated of the free will spiritual, turns them into devils; who forgets me, is lost in the darkness; writing was, that the divine Father Jehovah, is eternal light; and while more suffered a creature, more great is in the Kingdom of Heaven; therefore, the chosen, is they were chosen they themselves by their works, are the first; writing was, that it is easier than enter a camel by the eye of a needle, that a violator in the Kingdom of Heaven; this has many meanings; explains, how rigorous is the divine justice; shows that the animal calls, they are greats in the Kingdom of Heaven; then for the Creator, they not exsist animals in its divine dwellings; only they exsist sons; have the physical form that have; the animal concept, is a divine test of life, for these spirits; they request to be animal calls; and they request to know the philosophy of the same; such, as certain spirits, they request to be human little monkeys; and they request to be tested in that philosophy; writing was, that every spirit is tested in the life; not only, the human calls; but, that all the living beings; then nobody is less before the divine Father Jehovah; the divine justice is so immense, that the importance of being a human creature, is lost in the infinite; more still; the human life, is look with an amazing indifference; with the same indifference, to that is accustomed the human Being; more still; the human life, is almost unknow in the Kingdom of Heaven; only he is known, that in those little dust, lost in the space; that many call planets, exsist living life; and they know, that in a moment given, will not remain someone trace, of what was a world; this was written: Shall pass away the Earth; more my divine words shall not pass away; then, the divine words of: Let there be light, and the light was done; follow still producing worlds and suns; in a quantity such, as the mind can imagine; the divine telepathic drawing, teach that the divine Lamb of God, is of solar origin; possesses its own living philosophy; has its own Most Holy expansive Trinity; before that the planet Earth, to arise to the life, already, the divine Lamb of God, there was born again, in other planets; its divine reign not have neither will have, someone limit; the most holy living Trinity, multiplies and expands in its own thinking children, the divine inheritance; all you have a portion of electricity in your bodies; that electricity, corresponds in its evolutionary measure, to a microscopic part of the Most Holy expansive Trinity; you are microscopic suns; but so microscopic, that still, do not Shine; still dominates in you, the flesh; with its sequel of passions; for power Shine, there is that born again; the spirit, has to pass for successive bodies of flesh; arriving at a given instant, that the Shine spiritual, surpasses to the tangibility of the flesh; is thence, that was writing: weak is the flesh; wants say that the knowledge, is turn Brilliant as a sun; doing that the flesh, be annulled; and wants say, that every knowledge, is transformed into Brilliant physical body; this divine process they have fulfilled all the suns of the universe; were little petites, as it is a creature of flesh, to be greats, in the Kingdom of Heaven; they were creatures of flesh, in colossal worlds that they are no longer; the suns in its group, they constitute the divine universal knowledge; call Most Holy Trinity; is thus, as the divine Moses Shone in Glory and Majesty; her face emanated fluid solars; was her face a divine sun; with the difference, which of that shine, left a divine magnetic power; that was controlled by its own mind; this divine power, has been one of the largest wonders, that someone mind has possessed; with this mental power, Moses opened the water; he converted, the river in blood; I have did many divine signals, of the infinite power, of the divine Father Jehovah; the silver ships, has much to see, with these divine powers; they too have sublime missions; in his own laws; as every prophet of flesh has them; nobody can become a prophet, if not possesses its own powers spirituals; of them, is worth the divine eternal Father, to do advance the worlds; the divine means that is worth, is equal in all the epochs; should not be forget it, that every spirit when abandons the Earth, passes to the celeste world; there, elapses another time; is not the material time of the Earth; is the heavenly time; in that a terrestrial century, corresponds to a celeste second; therefore, each epoch that elapses in the Earth, is only an instant in the Kingdom of Heaven; this example is valid, when human every spirit, has lived according to the divine mandate; which says: Shalt worship to thy Lord, by above all the things; by above all wealth; by above you same; this signifies that according to my divine mandate, no terrestrial son, can enter the Kingdom of Heaven; position all they have used the money; this philosophy, already was warned to the world; since many centuries back: Shalt not eat of the tree of the science of material good; because this is a passenger; nourish thee of what costs; of what costs effort, and is wins merit; shalt win you the bread, with the sweat of thy forehead; what equals to a life of honored work; the divine Father Jehovah, did not say: exploits thy brother; did not say: Make thee rich; did not say: creates rich and poor; certainly that not; what want say the divine Father, is: govern thee, according to your conscience; that all humble, be the first; the other advise says: is more easier that enter a camel, by the eye of a needle; that a rich in the Kingdom of Heaven; the other advise: that is take care the left, of the immoralities of the right; the left is the town; is the son of the man; son of the work; and the right, are the corrupted; that believe that with the money, they going will buy the resurrection of the flesh; ¡gullible! The persistence in something invented by the human mind, is superb spiritual when that human invention, not take into account the supreme mandate; has occurred in other worlds; in a degree such, that those worlds have been Erased of the space; that is why was divinely written: many calls to test the human philosophy; and few them chosen, that will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the divine inheritance conducts to every spirit, to reach to be a Brilliant Sun of Wisdom; nobody is less in this divine law; the Kingdom of Heaven, is the maximum glory, to that can aspire a microscopic little creature; of him left; more to return to him, should return clean; should not bring demonic influences; as it is the wealth; who teaches him have taken possession, of something that only hard a chimera in the Earth; neither a cent, is carried the spirit, when returns to the place, of where left momentarily; to the contrary; should yield account of the employed time in the Earth; second by second; since was born to the life, until was called in the heaven; the greatness, never the wealth represents it; all wealth, is waste of time for the spirit; all they curse it; when they have left the life; then the wealth, closes them the doors of the Heaven; writing was: you can not be served to two masters; or is served to the wealth, or is served the Lord; yes the creature was served of the wealth; knowing what awaits him, that creature already received his reward; does not have addition divine; he cannot enter to the divine glory; he magnified on the Earth, and he bailed in the Kingdom of Heaven; the divine philosophy of the divine Lamb of God, he is in the infinite alliances of infinite cherubs; that he is composed each molecule of flesh and of spirit; The divine Lamb of God, he represents the only philosophy, that will remain in the Earth; is the unique cause, by the that infinite spirits, they request the test of the human life; is the product of a model life, that has fulfilled with the divine Commandments; without to have violated, neither a microscopic part of she; is the own philosophy of a child; the philosophy of a child, is him nearest to the angelical philosophy; are they more cleaner of heart; are not compromised, neither corrupted, in his customs; are the unique, in which the science of the Well, has not rotting; all the other philosophies, created by the human mind, they disappear; do not they enter in the new world; then never, the devil has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; the spirits-children, they know this in the Kingdom of Heaven; the great guides spirituals, is the taught; from eternities back; unheard multitudes, they observe amazed, the colossal screens of solar television; see in them, the universal television; the that does not has principle; and does not has end; there the worlds are seen that have been and they will be; strange worlds are seen; worlds in galactic war; are seen in other words, all the ideas of soon creature has born, in the thinking expansive universe; ideas, that with running of eternal time, they have become in colossal worlds; there, the spirits-children, they witness the birth, development and agony of the worlds; they see all the divine process, of as a microscopic idea, is materializes in a planet; they see marvelous planetary histories; that many times, they are transmitted of world in world; of there arises, more of some inspiring genius; conserving in their mind, a vague and divine idea of it seen, in the Kingdom of Heaven; of there the future doctrines arise; the that transform the customs in the planets; the that carry the prophets to determined world; there, the first-born, they are inspired and they study, divine plans; all desire a mission in very remote planets; of all the galactic categories; of infinities forms of life; among them, are the worlds of the flesh; to the which belongs the microscopic planet Earth; planets known as dust; there was where the divine First-born Solar Christ, asked the eternal Father Jehovah, to come to the planet Earth to teach a new law of love; to teach the divine doctrine of the divine Lamb of God; did not come to teach the use of the force; then the forces, already had fulfilled the mandate; already had been tested in the planet; already had fulfilled its own evolution, in the human creature; Christ brought to the world, a new form to live; that did not taste the damned kings of the Brutal epoch, in which arrived at the Earth; these devils, old rascals, they saw to endanger its damned privileges; that is why plotted and they killed, to the First-born Solar; passed, what still it happens in the Earth; the rich moderns, are the same spirits, of the principle of the Earth; these devils of the excessive ambition, also they kill; as is occurring in your own country; not these damned know, that in the same sheepfold, is the divine justice; to crying and to gnashing of teeth, they expect them; knowing for moral instruction, that the humble are the first before the divine Father Jehovah; they must be the first in governing the world; being as are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven ._
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